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Monday, July 18, 2011

A good way to give disc golf some free promotion

I am always keeping my eyes open for good ways to help promote disc golf, and online promotion is one of the best ways nowadays. One of the best sources of internet traffic today is Twitter with its estimated 200 million users. I search #discgolf on there almost everyday and I see alot of disc golf related tweets. However, I think if we all work together we could get some excellent free advertising for the sport. Maybe even get it into the Trending Topics section one day!! The first thing we would need to do is be sure to put the #discgolf hash tag in all of our tweets. Istead of just typing disc golf just run the words discgolf together and make sure to put the # sign in front of it. Most people do this already, but there are still alot of people that do not. The next thing would be for us to try and all tweet around the same time each day. Or maybe a certain day and time like Thursday or Friday between 8pm-9pm. If you couldnt get to a computer just be sure to set your cell phone up to be able to use Twitter from it. Your tweet can be about a local tournament, a disc golf tip, a round you just played or by simply stating your love for #discgolf. If you would like to see some examples be sure to check out my Twitter panel to the right of this post. Together we can really help push disc golf into the mainstream. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to set up a specific #discgolf Twitter day please mention it in the comments or contact me on my Twitter page or website.

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